GW difficulty increases dramatically at level 60


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    Does anyone know what determines the team you face?

    Eg if I were level 70 but my highest characters were 60 would I face level 70 enemy's towards the end or level 60-62?

    Also if I had say 1 level 70 character and the rest level 60 would the enemy team mirror this or would they all be level 70?

    If anyone has any idea would be handy to know.
    I don't want to level my top 5 up and leave all my other characters if it's going to make it harder, may be worth keeping a large amount of my characters around the same level.
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    Cecton wrote: »
    What ? how is playing with barris/lumi/jc is hard for you to win GW ?? its not PvP, its GW, use healers, not dmg. there's no way you would lose with 3 healers and barris/lumi as leaders. just no way.
    and no, i didnt notice any diffuclt incease at level 60, perhaps because there's any.

    rly this forum is full with threads about "how hard GW", when its very easy with healer teams... Im not saying upgrade barris instead of kylo, cuz that will be very bad for PvP, but barris and lumi before everyone in GW. EVERYONE

    This is obvious, however what I'm getting at is that I have been coming across highly overpowered groups midway through GW that eat through my team. These teams are wrecking Lumi JC and Barriss because they all have Sid Dooku and Kylo leveled up and they can't get off proper heals because they are either stunned, heal debuffed or dead.

    here ya go. try to upgrade them a bit. :)
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    its broken like RNG broken.
    hint: they both completly fine, and ppl like to whine.
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    Until today I had completed 5 galactic wars in a row, but today I couldnt get past rank 3. I am at level 48, but I have to face a level 56 Sid with 7 star. Seriously ****?!
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    After venturing through the table battle after battle the anticipation builds as the final chest is behind a fierce max team. Upon much blood shed, the final chest drops a Ewok Scout shard, I can't help but feel trolled...
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    At level 66 I'm using Bariss, Daka, Lumni, GS, and Poggle. I breeze through GW 99 percent of the time just with these five. Occasionally I get a pretty OP team that I have to send the droid bteam after or have to send a suicide squad to blow the cool down of an enemie Poe. Perhaps I'm just lucky, I dunno. But I also have a lot invested into my bteam and even cteam. Pretty sure I have a much bigger roster than most. It's hurt me a little in arena but I still end up in the top 20 in my server and sometimes top 5
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    No one is whining.

    I hate it when people whine, buy in this case it was well worded and polite. No one is saying "The devs made the game way harder. It's rigged blah blah blah."

    Even Shimmy is speaking civilly.

    There is a difference between whining and talking about how difficult something is.

    Yes, I have found that GW is more difficult relative to your level once you reach about level 63-65. But then once we reach the level cap again it should get easier.

    It may be because everyone is getting gear eight and soon nine.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • SneakyMcPete
    33 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I have heard and read many things stating how GW opponents scale, the most common being that it is based off of your best 5 characters. Well here is my best 5:

    Now here it what teams I get about barley half way through GW:

    The power scaling is terrible. The team out levels me by 2 and their team is MUCH more powerful than mine. I have reset it at least 20 times with different teams and I cant not lose 2 guys before I react and then get roasted. I should be seeing this at the half way point in GW, it should be near the end IMO. Even then these new teams are getting outrageously overpowered. Is anyone else experiencing this same level of imbalance this early in the GW stage?

    Edit: Oh baby it just keeps getting better ;) :
    Post edited by SneakyMcPete on
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    Yup I go up against some tough teams also. Just gotta send in the fodder
  • oTradeMark
    393 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Hm, yeah First Order teams are a pain in the ****. You have to send in 3+ beefy characters that can get Poe to use Taunt, Kylo to use AOE and Phasma to use Fusillade. After those 3 abilities are down try to put a little damage on FOTP before you get wiped. Then go back into the match with 3+ characters that have T1 speed to clear FOTP before he takes a turn. After that it's all about playing simon says and repeatedly restarting to find the best path of moves that will result in a win where you aren't completely crippled.

    Unfortunately, 2+ level gap during your node 6 battle isn't that unusual. My hardest fights are usually always between 6-10. Battles 1-5 and 11-12 are usually quite easy - Gaming Guides | oTradeMark - YouTube Channel | Team iNstinct - Guild
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    Here's a tissue
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    Wait until you hit 70.. you think the F2P players are complaining now.. I hit 70 today from the 3rd battle it was 66+ 6/7* team with Poe in 8 of the last 9 battles.. Good luck to all that hit 70 in the next few weeks.. If you want a challenge you will have one and that challenge will be can you lvl up enough toons to do 12 battles..
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    I've NEVER had an easy GW draw.
    Cecton wrote: »
    What ? how is playing with barris/lumi/jc is hard for you to win GW ?? its not PvP, its GW, use healers, not dmg. there's no way you would lose with 3 healers and barris/lumi as leaders. just no way.
    and no, i didnt notice any diffuclt incease at level 60, perhaps because there's any.

    rly this forum is full with threads about "how hard GW", when its very easy with healer teams... Im not saying upgrade barris instead of kylo, cuz that will be very bad for PvP, but barris and lumi before everyone in GW. EVERYONE

    This is obvious, however what I'm getting at is that I have been coming across highly overpowered groups midway through GW that eat through my team. These teams are wrecking Lumi JC and Barriss because they all have Sid Dooku and Kylo leveled up and they can't get off proper heals because they are either stunned, heal debuffed or dead.

    here ya go. try to upgrade them a bit. :)

    Is there an ignore feature on this board? When a troll goes into another thread and links his troll thread its time for the a$$ to go bye bye
  • Rumpleduskin
    11 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Recent change to Galactic War - open conversation

    As I thought, the devs never intended for you to be able to retreat, therefore it was broke before. So please stop whining about it though I wish I would have seen this before I went on my little rant lol, glad to see I was on the mark. :)
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    It is a combination of your power rating AND your arena ranking. Do worse in arena and GW will get easier.
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    Yep seems like the middle battles are the hardest. Easier at the end maybe because they think you will have lost a couple characters by then.
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    SlyGambit wrote: »
    It is a combination of your power rating AND your arena ranking. Do worse in arena and GW will get easier.

    Is this an actual fact? I heard more people say this, but nobody can link the post from the devs.
    I am doing quite well in arena (top 5 finishes almost everyday) level 66 and I don't face the horror teams like the OP posted. At least not starting at node 6.

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    GW isnt based on your last 5 or anything like that. It is based on your character level and then your opponent is pulled randomly from a global pool of players who completed that node within your player level set. If you're at a point where that pool exceedes your player level, then you will potentially face stronger teams.
    "There is no 'try'." - Master Yoda
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    SlyGambit wrote: »
    It is a combination of your power rating AND your arena ranking. Do worse in arena and GW will get easier.

    If this is true its basically a way the devs can keep the f2p players down. Want to get lumi to 7 stars in less than a month? Better sacrifice that Ventress you were working on in arena
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    shimmy wrote: »
    Fighton wrote: »
    Feel sorry for you guys who can't finish up your healers, keep your toons alive ...

    From what I gather, many who can't are simply running into teams midway that are much higher level and more powerful than them. Nothing can really be done there short of having a big selection of solid characters and building them all up to be close in power.

    Others I am sure just focus on their arena team of 5 characters which is of course the wrong way to go for gw.

    I've completed it every day since the update although today seemed like that streak was coming to an end since I had a ridiculous opponent on battle ten. I got lucky.

    I couldn't agree less...

    RNG is always king of the day. I've experienced both sides of the coin & have come to the conclusion that it's just down to "luck".

    As for having a 5 toon roster as both GW & arena teams being a bad idea... That's a matter of opinion. I use chewie, Sid, *lumi, talia & GS in both & apart from using suicide squads in GW on occasion I can pretty much complete GW & still stay within the top 30 of Arena. It's all how you chose to play &/or if you've read helpful guides.

    * = leader


    What lvl are you?
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    SlyGambit wrote: »
    It is a combination of your power rating AND your arena ranking. Do worse in arena and GW will get easier.

    If this is true, I'm screwed haha :p. Top 300 in the server I play on are normally 21-23k+ power with 63+ char level/toon level. I'm struggling to remain in the top 200 bracket so I might just back out to stay in top 500 for easier GW opponents. Did the dev's post something regarding this statement? Or was it players conducting their own experiments?
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    SlyGambit wrote: »
    It is a combination of your power rating AND your arena ranking. Do worse in arena and GW will get easier.

    If this is true, I'm screwed haha :p. Top 300 in the server I play on are normally 21-23k+ power with 63+ char level/toon level. I'm struggling to remain in the top 200 bracket so I might just back out to stay in top 500 for easier GW opponents. Did the dev's post something regarding this statement? Or was it players conducting their own experiments?

    and I'm 70 right now. I sincerely hope this isnt true. I don't want to sacrifice one mode because it makes the other impossible

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    SlyGambit wrote: »
    It is a combination of your power rating AND your arena ranking. Do worse in arena and GW will get easier.

    If this is true, I'm screwed haha :p. Top 300 in the server I play on are normally 21-23k+ power with 63+ char level/toon level. I'm struggling to remain in the top 200 bracket so I might just back out to stay in top 500 for easier GW opponents. Did the dev's post something regarding this statement? Or was it players conducting their own experiments?

    Someone said this on the forum or on reddit. And I got the feeling everybody just copies the statement with no actual proof. For me the explanation from @Pilot sounds much more logical.
  • ccfoo
    154 posts Member
    What ? how is playing with barris/lumi/jc is hard for you to win GW ?? its not PvP, its GW, use healers, not dmg. there's no way you would lose with 3 healers and barris/lumi as leaders. just no way.
    and no, i didnt notice any diffuclt incease at level 60, perhaps because there's any.

    rly this forum is full with threads about "how hard GW", when its very easy with healer teams... Im not saying upgrade barris instead of kylo, cuz that will be very bad for PvP, but barris and lumi before everyone in GW. EVERYONE

    The problem I face in GW is heal immunity by Sid and kylo combo. Not sure why those who says, it's easy! Use Bariss to heal through it! But not every player has a Bariss. I have been farming Bariss since the GW change but only halfway there. I know that we can unlock Bariss in cantina too now, but you need to be pretty high level to unlock it.

    Minus Bariss, will it be a different story if you get heal immunity from Sid and kylo combo? Will it still be a cake walk for you then?
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    GW is easy, it only got hard when i was around lvl 63 cause i was battling higher levels alot. I am now 66 and it was just as easy as it was when i was 60. I havent finished it one time at lvl 63 since the new update
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    . Did the dev's post something regarding this statement? Or was it players conducting their own experiments?

    If the devs had said so, it would be in the FAQ and quoted ad nauseaum. I'm not usually one for proof by negative, but in this case, since no one ever links a thread when such statements are made, it seems that no one is clear on how GW matches are determined.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    SlyGambit wrote: »
    It is a combination of your power rating AND your arena ranking. Do worse in arena and GW will get easier.

    Is this an actual fact? I heard more people say this, but nobody can link the post from the devs.
    I am doing quite well in arena (top 5 finishes almost everyday) level 66 and I don't face the horror teams like the OP posted. At least not starting at node 6.

    I'm normally top 10 sometimes 15 depending on how many Poe teams exist. It just seems to be getting progressively worse even though my rating generally has stayed the exact same in arena.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I have heard and read many things stating how GW opponents scale, the most common being that it is based off of your best 5 characters. Well here is my best 5:

    Now here it what teams I get about barley half way through GW:

    The power scaling is terrible. The team out levels me by 2 and their team is MUCH more powerful than mine. I have reset it at least 20 times with different teams and I cant not lose 2 guys before I react and then get roasted. I should be seeing this at the half way point in GW, it should be near the end IMO. Even then these new teams are getting outrageously overpowered. Is anyone else experiencing this same level of imbalance this early in the GW stage?

    That's some messed up poo right there. I have to agree I'd be mad if I encountered them on that node
    Post edited by Hozilla on
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    Pilot wrote: »
    GW isnt based on your last 5 or anything like that. It is based on your character level and then your opponent is pulled randomly from a global pool of players who completed that node within your player level set. If you're at a point where that pool exceedes your player level, then you will potentially face stronger teams.

    I'm sorry but this is just not true and no one really knows. I really respect your contributions in the forum but you've always been wrong concerning GW, although you have great theories. Not your fault though as the devs won't share how GW matching actually works
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    ccfoo wrote: »
    What ? how is playing with barris/lumi/jc is hard for you to win GW ?? its not PvP, its GW, use healers, not dmg. there's no way you would lose with 3 healers and barris/lumi as leaders. just no way.
    and no, i didnt notice any diffuclt incease at level 60, perhaps because there's any.

    rly this forum is full with threads about "how hard GW", when its very easy with healer teams... Im not saying upgrade barris instead of kylo, cuz that will be very bad for PvP, but barris and lumi before everyone in GW. EVERYONE

    The problem I face in GW is heal immunity by Sid and kylo combo. Not sure why those who says, it's easy! Use Bariss to heal through it! But not every player has a Bariss. I have been farming Bariss since the GW change but only halfway there. I know that we can unlock Bariss in cantina too now, but you need to be pretty high level to unlock it.

    Minus Bariss, will it be a different story if you get heal immunity from Sid and kylo combo? Will it still be a cake walk for you then?

    Ignore him, he's not worth your time.
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